Engineering, Architectural Design,
Technical Consultancy
AGM Consulting Engineering is a multi-disciplinary engineering, architectural and technical consultancy firm that provides services from preliminary designs to detailed designs and technical consultancy stages.
Contract signed with Ministry of Youth and Sports İstanbul Provincial Directorate .
The Contract was signed for Dormitory Design Project in Başakşehir İstanbul.
Contract signed with Konya Organized Industrial Zone Directorate.
The Contract was signed for 3rd Stage Infrastructure Design Projects.
Contract signed with Ministry of National Defense (MSB) General Directorate of Logistics.
The Contract was signed for Design Project Revision of Silopi Special Forces Operations Base (ÖKHÜ) Command.
Contract signed with Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of Forestry.
The Contract was signed for Technical Consultancy and Professional Supervision Services for Turkey-Azerbaijan International Forestry Training Center and Nursery Facility.
Contract Signed with Tamyapı Otomotiv İns. Taah. Mad. San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
The Contract was Signed for Design Project within the scope of Road Construction Project between Akhisar - Sındırgı Junction and Gördes Demirci - Köprübaşı Junction
Contract signed with General Directorate of Turkish Grain Board (TMO).
The Contract was signed for Soil and Superstructure Seismic Analysis and Strengthening Design Projects of TMO Çankırı Facilities.